of the couples 2024


P & M

Dear Brigitte,

Thank you so much for your beautiful wedding speech, it was a wonderful ceremony!

P & M
May 2024


P & M

C & N

Many thanks to our wonderful wedding speaker Brigitte for the unforgettable and heartfelt ceremony!

You did such a great job organising the day and found the perfect words for your wedding speech.

All the best,

C & N
June 2024


C & N

D & M

Dear Brigitte,

We apologise for the late reply, time flew by so quickly and you are back in everyday life sooner than you thought.

We would like to thank you once again for the wonderful and beautiful wedding speech/ceremony. We really enjoyed working with you and everything went perfectly for us.
Our wedding day was a really wonderful day !

Here are two of our favourite photos, you are of course welcome to use them on your website.

Kind regards and best wishes!

D & M
July 2024


D & M

S & W

Dear Brigitte,

Thank you so much for the wonderful wedding ceremony. We really enjoyed everything and are very happy that we met. It couldn’t have gone better and we felt very comfortable with everything.

Attached I am sending you a few pictures for the photo album of your website which you are welcome to use 🙂

Thank you again for everything!

S & W
August 2024


S & W